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Cynthia DiehlGallup CliftonStrengths Certified Coach
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"Let me tell you, working with Joi on StrengthsFinder initiatives over the years has been absolutely wonderful! She's just got this incredible thoughtfulness in her approach, a crystal-clear vision for her objectives, and a passion for growth that's truly contagious. Any chance I get to partner with her is always a blessing and an honor."
Paul PolmanFormer CEO of Unilever
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"Values-based leaders are our beacon of hope in a world where confusion and uncertainty are pervasive. They lead with their hearts and show us that we too can live and work with purpose and meaning."
Rachel HappeFounder of Engaged Organizations
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“The biggest issue by far that is holding organizations back is outdated mindsets….The need to control – the need to demand engagement – will not work in an era where people-work is ambiguous, assessing, collaborating, innovating, negotiating, and building relationships…The organizations that invest in their people will be the winners because their empowered and energized workforces will better serve customers and maintain the relationships that drive brand value.”
Ken BlanchardAuthor and Leadership Expert
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"Values-based leadership is about making decisions that are grounded in ethical principles and treating people with respect and dignity."
Sean MartinTechnology Outsourcing Executive
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"Working with Joi is always an invigorating experience. Her willingness to collaborate, rather than dictate, was greatly appreciated by my entire leadership team. Her profound insights into the HR landscape are nothing short of eye-opening. I deeply value her ability to anticipate potential obstacles before they arise. She truly is a fantastic partner."